- wtorek, 29 grudnia 2015

Guibert Paris

O moim zamiłowaniu do luksusowych marek produkujących odzież i sprzęt jeździecki bądź inspirujących się jeździectwem wspominałam już nie raz i wie o nim chyba każdy kto regularnie tutaj zagląda.
Zdążyliście sobie już pewnie pomyśleć, że nie mnie jednej podobają się rzeczy z górnych półek, i że na palcach jednej reki można policzyć osoby, które nie chciałyby mieć chociaż jednej takiej rzeczy w swojej szafie.
Mnie jednak zupełnie nie chodzi o samą chęć posiadania marynarki jeździeckiej Gucci, skórzanej torebki z Hermesa czy ponczo z Massimo. Dla mnie, jako osoby niezwykle zwracającej uwagę na efekty wizualne, liczy się przede wszystkim jakość tych produktów i materiałów, z których są wykonane.
Najbardziej urzeka mnie właśnie taka klasyka,  przedstawiona w prosty a zarazem wyrafinowany sposób, na tyle specyficzny, że patrząc na zdjęcia tych rzeczy dosłownie czuć unoszący się powietrzu zapach najwyższej jakości skóry i delikatny dotyk jedwabiu pod palcami...

Marka, którą dziś chciałabym Wam przedstawić w zasadzie znalazła nas sama, obserwując nasz profil na Instagramie, z czego jestem niezwykle dumna :)  I wystarczył mi jeden, no może dwa rzuty oka, aby dołączyła do mojego, jakże zacnego grona ulubionych "jeździeckich" marek.
Tym bardziej niezmiernie mi miło, iż zgodzili się udzielić nam krótkiego wywiadu okraszonego sporą dawką wyjątkowych zdjęć z ich ostatniej kolekcji.

Pewnie nie kojarzycie ich z nazwy, ale zdjęcia "złotego siodła" na pewno  raz przewinęły się Wam gdzieś w internecie, chociażby ostatnio na francuskojęzycznym blogu jeździeckim Pegasbuzz .

Zapraszam zatem to przeczytania wywiadu z marką Guibert Paris:

 When was the Brand established, and who is the founder?

The House of Guibert - saddler in Paris, was created in 1999 by Pierre Guibert.
A horseman by passion, from a line of horse riders, his goal was a return to excellence, the original goal of the saddler.

 What made you decide to create the Brand ?

The saddler’s craft. The house of Guibert is heir to this ancient know-how, evolving in time into an art profession at the origin of all leatherwear. The Guibert leatherwear, naturally issues from this culture which blends saddlery and natural saddlery materials. The basic ideals of the House of Guibert: purity of style & creations strictly linked to function.

Why does equestrianism inspire you? Where does this inspiration come from?

Equitation is at the beginning, not an inspiration but a reality. We are saddler, we design, manufacture horse tack, and of course our saddler know-how, our horse riding and our equestrian passion, inspire us in our creation.

Besides the equestrian apparel, you also make the horse tack, for example “golden saddle”. It is one of the most unique product I have ever seen. Is this more like a demonstration product, or is it available for everyone?

The gold saddle was especially made for a capsule collection with the US jewellery brand Ginette NY. We have developed especially the golden leather and, thanks to our work, you can really ride with this saddle!

What about your brand pattern, that we can see on bags, but also on horses hindquarters?

You mean Quarter Marker ? It is a stencil which when applied to the hindquarters of the horse reveals a geometrical alternation of brilliance (smooth coat) and matt (coat brushed back). The origin is military and constitutes one of the first examples of military warfare. A cavalry regiment, stationary and at a respectable distance, had to impress the enemy by the power it revealed. The Quarter Marker allowed them to mask the weakness of the cavalry, by highlighting the horse and giving the impression of vigour. This military heritage still exists in certain countries and notably in France with the Republican Guard. From the end of the 19th century to the present day, the Quarter Marker has been adopted by sporting horse riders for the same reason – to show off their horse.

What kind of fabric do you use in your collections? Where do they come from?

For our collection we only use French luxury leathers like Barenia calf and vegetable leather slow tanned. The most luxury leather in the world.

 Could you tell us something more about Barenia calf and vegetable leather?

Barenia is a leather that belongs to a select, exclusive circle of the best leathers in the world. Created more than 60 years ago in Barr, Alsace it is the material of choice for the best luxury houses. The hides are naturally resistant and without fault , having been the product of responsible production. This said, only a drastic selection of what are already the highest quality hides is undertaken to ensure the best of the best. Thus only 15 to 20% of hides are tanned in Barenia to achieve this state of perfection.

Vegetable leather derives from original tanning. The tannins used are exclusively natural product: tree bark (in our case oak and chesnut), leaves and water.
For this reason it is much more complex to create and apply two natural and variable elements: the hide and vegetable tannins. It is a leather born out of know-how and tradition and based on a strong ancestral culture, experience and practical application leading to the maintaining of a product of high value.

To whom is your collection addressed?

At the beginning we are saddler, so our collections are address to rider but also now to worldwilde luxury customers too.

Do you have any promotional/representative rider already, or are you looking for one?

We already have representative rider : the French champions Patrice Delaveau and Alexandra Ledermann.

During the last Gucci Master Show in Paris, another young brand dealing in equestrian apparel - Miasuki, had their introduction with fashion show at the same time. I would like to ask you if you have plans to participate in such prestigious event like this? In what way?

For now we have a lot of project that we are dealing with, like the creation of our new capsule collection or our presentation in Japan and USA. But why not, we are thinking about participate to one of this event one day.

Where can your clothes be found?

Our clothes can be find in Paris, in our shop, very close to Arc de Triomphe (22, avenue Victor Hugo Paris XVI).

 Any plans for the future?

We actually are developing us in Japan, USA, and we are in realization of our new website in order to be connected with the entire world.

I hope you will be even more successful in the upcoming year. I wish you a very good luck and many thanks for the interview !!!

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